Reboot Awareness

Mindful Awakening




Your highest achievement is in mastery of thoughts & feelings 


Freedom arrives when effort is done! “You are there”. What you resist, persist, When fear became fun it is no more a problem, (as in a roller coaster) What if life was an adventure and not a punishment? Stop trying to be right and choose to be happy! 

This site is dedicated to mindful awakening: Your inner and outer journey through life. To end our needless suffering and find the peace to enjoy our time here on earth.

Choose to be in a beautiful state, See why  fear a more convenient choice?

It is not your fault, these ideas were programed into your consciousness and now it is time to REBOOT AWARENESS and reveal their truths! 






Teachings from Masters

Think and Grow Rich

Napoleon Hill



Kundalini Meditation

heal thy self

Burt Goldman

Quantum Jumping

Oneness University


Preeta Ji


Sedona Method

Letting Go

Neville Goddart

Law of Assumption

Mindfulness Through Mindset

Why do we have to work so hard to keep it all together? Why do we hold on to longstanding problems? Why can’t we just let go and move on?

EGO Expanded Greatness Opinion

Are you ready to feel better? Are you willing to put in effort?

Then Being Awakened is the answer…

Thus, Reboot Awareness, your awareness!

Your first step is defining that there is a problem, and you are willing to adjust what you currently believe to be the absolute truth about yourself. The next place people struggle is they try to fix the problem in the real world you live in. If you look in a mirror and see lipstick on your face you can never wipe it from the mirror. You must go to the source of the reflection.

Your outer world problems are a reflection of the inner world, your real world, the world where I am is.



Were we are…


Discover who you are… learn how to find your own answers. We are here to provide a roadmap in several teachings and methods that have helped in discovering being. We share multiple roads to the same destination of Imperturbability, the state of calm, quiet beautiful state of zen.

Teachings Lessons and Writings will be scattered and organized. Your journey will take you where you need to go. At this time I am adding bits and pieces of clues.

At the mindful blog will be new postings and have books, videos, links to places the creator of this site had traveled. This is not about the creator seeking fame. It is about his journey and oneness training learned for his own inner healing. With any luck at all others will similar experiences and other gifts will contribute with writings, teachings, and meta blessings.

It is recommended that you initially learn meditations with a trainer. One reason is their is a certain type of energy that connects us no matter our location. An experienced trainer will always attempt to connect with you energetically so you can experience at a higher level through he limitless field of consciousness.

Don’t understand? No worries you will soon! This is a place to learn process, your experience is the teacher.



mysteries and unrealized secrets right in front of you

could you be a prisoner programed…

truthfully, how rigid are your beliefs and why? 

first steps are easy… let’s get quiet and see what is there! 


Send us a message


Want to help? what do you have to offer? we all have gifts, what is yours?

We are all in this together!